Building and Sustaining a High Performing Team
While most leaders desire a high performing team, they rarely step back to assess whether they have communicated a shared vision for that team or whether the team is truly working as a team. We work with a variety of team assessments to understand the state of the team and identify the key areas that need to be addressed. Does your team have a shared vision for the future? Are roles clearly delineated? Does the team possess the basics: trust, respect, mutual accountability, and shared goals?
Resolving Team Conflict
How can you turn destructive team conflict into positive conflict that leverages the true diversity of the team, innovates, and challenges the team to grow? Aspire@Work team coaches have seen it all from poisonous team conflict to those that never engage in productive conflict. We practice proven interventions and facilitate constructive conversations to shift the team’s interactions to a more positive, constructive place.
Building and Equipping Virtual Teams
As if teamwork weren’t hard enough? In today’s age, rarely are teams in the same office, city, or even time zone. How do you lead a team across these different dimensions?
Not only do we give you practical tips on scheduling and using technology to collaborate, we also coach teams virtually so that they can aspire to the same greatness of in-person teams. This is the future of teamwork, and Aspire@Work will work with you to set the stage for your organization’s teams.